Mobile phone, digital camera and ICT Usage Policy including Social Networking Guidance
The Playgroup acknowledges the usefulness of modern technologies but seeks to ensure that they are only used in acceptable ways which will not compromise the safety and wellbeing of the children or place the staff at risk.
Agreed Procedures:
Mobile Phones
- Staff mobile phones MUST be kept in the “phone basket”, which will be kept in a cupboard in the kitchen, not on their person. This eradicates the potential for the phone to be used in conjunction with an Apple Watch to take photos remotely.
- Staff mobile phones should only be used in an emergency. In which case they should only be used in the kitchen or storeroom and never in the toilets.
- Parent helpers, volunteers and students will be asked to put their phone in the basket.
- Visitors to the group will be told that we operate a safe usage policy for mobile phones and told that if they need to make or receive a call they will have to do so in the kitchen.
Digital Cameras
Use by staff:
· Photographs of the children may only be taken on the playgroup cameras (unless explicit consent is given by the Supervisor).
· It is the responsibility of the supervisor/deputy to ensure that all photographs stored on a digital camera are deleted after transfer to the computer for printing purposes.
· Staff may not show children photographs stored on their personal cameras.
· It is the responsibility of the supervisor/deputy to approve photographs for use on displays and for marketing purposes.
Use by parents/carers:
- Photographs/videos may be taken of their children taking part in playgroup concerts and special group events (eg sponsored bike ride, Easter egg hunt, outing) if a parent has indicated that they do not wish their child to be photographed at these events then we will ask them not to attend. Parents are asked to sign a declaration that any photos or videos of events at Laleham Church Playgroup taken by them are for their personal use and will not be shared on any social media sites eg Facebook; Snapchat; Twitter.
- If staff bring a device with internet connection (Blackberry, iphone, ipad etc) into the setting it must not be used with or by the children and must be kept in the storeroom or in the “phone basket” in the kitchen. Such devices should be password protected.
- Staff must never post photos relating to playgroup on any internet site, that includes photos of children, parents, colleagues or anything that identifies the playgroup (eg uniform, logo).
- Staff must be aware of their responsibilities to the playgroup when using social networking sites such as Facebook. Our confidentiality policy must be adhered to at all times, even outside working hours.
Guidance on the use of social networking sites such as Facebook
- Do not foster online friendships with parents/carers
- Do not state that you are employed at the playgroup in your profile or anywhere else on the sites.
- Never mention/discuss playgroup children, their families or your colleagues.
- Do not post anything that could be construed to have any impact on the playgroup’s reputation.
- Never post photos relating to the setting.
- Do not post anything that would offend any other member of staff or parent using the playgroup.
- Read the “Safeguarding Yourself” factsheet which provides guidance on how to protect yourself online.
The policy was adopted by Laleham Church Playgroup at a meeting on.... 17th February 2019
Signed on behalf of Laleham Church Playgroup.........................................................